Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk.
Before playing or having a first session with MxBliss, clients must sign a Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk (“Waiver”). If the Waiver is not signed and emailed to her in advance of the session, the session may be cancelled. The waiver is available HERE to Download or Preview.
Rigger/Top Disclosure.
MxBliss is lifestyle Dominant with 6 years of experience in public BDSM and 5 years of experience with rope. She’s done more than 300 suspensions and 600+ tying sessions. You can see some of her work on Fetlife (MxBliss) or on Instagram (mx_bliss). Please note, those pictures are highly curated and may not be a fair representation.
While rope and other forms of BDSM can be and are sometimes inherently sensual and in close physical (and emotional) proximity, she does not engage in sexual contact as part of her services.
Rope suspension and bondage is inherently dangerous with substantial risk to nerves, head injury, and bruising/marks. People may lose the use their arms/hands, get concussions, and even die in rope. Like all forms of bondage, rope has the potential to activate pre-existing trauma. While we will work to mitigate risk of injury, if you rope bottom for long enough, an injury is nearly inevitable.
As a matter of disclosure, Bliss has physically injured two people and emotionally injured one person in rope . One person sustained numbness in their upper thigh for 3-4 weeks and the other had numbness in their forearm/hand for a few days. In both instances, she investigated the cause with a physician experienced in rope bondage and modified her practices. The person she emotionally injured had a negative experience with her and did not tie for several months afterwards. In response, she has taken lesson from more experienced/skilled rope instructors to improve her practices. MxBliss will not tie boxties (or TKs) unless/until they have tied with you multiple times due to the increased risk of ‘wrist drop’ from such ties.
Privacy policy.
Your privacy (as well as her own) are hugely important to Bliss. In particular, outing in our community can have severe consequences. She will work to protect your identity and not disclose personal details about you without your prior consent.
Bound Bliss, LLC (nor it’s delegates) will ever sell or share your data without your express permission. Bound Bliss uses a number of commercial systems (like Google Docs/Forms, Zoom, MailChimp, etc.) and MxBliss feels comfortable with the security and data privacy features of those tools. Please let her know if you do not.
In the event you sue or publicly make negative or untrue statements about Bound Bliss, MxBliss, her friend/family, or any entity MxBliss volunteers for or values, she may respond in that particular forum to protect herself and others. You can expect that she will vigorously protect her reputation and that of the people and organizations she cares about.
In the event information about you is subpoenaed by a court of law, she will provide you with as much advance notice as possible and will work with you to protect your personal information and/or that you were a client of hers. However there is no legal privilege that applies towards our services relationship and she will comply with the law.
If you opt into the volunteer or newsletter list, you will receive periodic email correspondence but you can remove yourself from that list at any time.