Whatcha’ Waiting For?

Let’s Get Started!

We want to make sure Bound Bliss is a good match for you! And, the truth is, many folks won’t be. There are many professional riggers and lifestyle coaches and finding the right one for you will make all the difference.

If you’re interested in one of Bound Bliss’s Services, the first step is filling out a client intake form. If you are interested in knowing how your information will be used or kept, see the Privacy Policy HERE

Within 48 hours, MxBliss will reach out to you at the email address you provided letting you know whether she believes it is a good match. Based on what you say about scheduling, she will send you a few options for an initial 10 minute phone consultation. There is no charge for this initial meeting.

If you’d prefer a face-to-face initial meeting, let her know below. An initial 20 minute meet and greet is $75 and will take place at a coffee shop or local club (location sent in confirmation) in NorthEast Portland.

Client Intake Form

(Required before booking any time or consultation)